Yom Kippur 2024
Messianic Jews may fast on Yom Kippur to remember the seriousness of their sins and the gift of forgiveness in Yeshua (Jesus).
Yom Kippur is a day when Jews seek to reconcile with God and expiate their sins.
Conclusion of repentance
Yom Kippur concludes the “10 days of repentance” that begin with Rosh Hashana, and the longer 50 days since the beginning of the month of Elul (time of repentance, before the great coming of our King)
Messianic Jews may end Yom Kippur by gathering around a table together.
In Temple times this Event had two distinct iterations – Before the Ark of the Covernant was removed, once a year the High Priest (Cohen Gadol) would enter the Holy of Holies (Kadosh Kadoshim) and place the blood of one of the twin goats (kids) on the cover the Ark on the eastern end.
After the captivity the Ark was not returned to it’s former location, as there was no physical place for the blood, and new tradition of dipping a white cord in the blood and placing over the door. Jewish text document this year after year, with the offering being deemed accepted with the cord turning white. In some years the cord does not turn white, which was taken as a sign that the offering for atonement was not accectable.
This practice and documentation is of significance to Messianic belivers as during the 40 years the temple stood (before its final desctruction by Rome) but after Yeshua’s (Jesus) sacrifice it was never recorded to have turned white again. Showing that only the blood of the promised Messiah was acceptable.
Our study group gathers on this night to have a time of reflection, repentance. Participants are asked to wear all white to symbolize our being washed clean at this time.
The word Kippur means “to cover”
2024 Yom Terruah
Saturday 5th October 3.00pm-6.00pm
Bullockys Rest, Lake Samsonvale, Joyner (lower playground, near toilet block)
No Bookings necessary look for the flags
Bring a chair, byo drinks, plate to share.
Bring a Shofar if you have one. Teaching on the different sounds and what they mean.
Summary of the 7 feasts of the Lord.
Fun time, join in with Hebrew dancing!